Become a member and get involved. Members of FoR can take part in events and campaigns, receive our newsletter, vote at annual council, join local groups and feel connected to other peacemakers. They are active in engaging their churches and communities in issues of peace and justice.

Membership donation:
There is no fixed membership fee. We rely on members being as generous as they are able, in order for us to continue with the honesty-box approach. Please prayerfully consider how much you can give.

Please consider setting up a regular payment. They cost us less on admin and it saves you trying to remember when you last made a donation. Everyone’s a winner.

If you’re a Methodist, you’ll also automatically join the Methodist Peace Fellowship, so please let us know if you are. Those joining directly through MPF will become a member of FoR, and FoR will receive their membership subscription. FoR pays an annual amount to MPF, which includes all of the new membership donations.

Please take a moment to read the basis. You don’t need to agree with it, just to know it exists.

Not in England or Scotland?  Find your nearest branch.

We will use your details to contact you about your membership of FoR, including sending resources, newsletters and fundraising. We will not share it with any third parties except the Methodist Peace Fellowship if applicable. If you have questions or concerns, email

Contact 1
I have read the Basis and wish to join the Fellowship of Reconciliation as a:
Member Details
I am interested in joining a local group
Communications Options

We send out a monthly email newsletter with upcoming events, campaigns, and resources for prayer & worship. It's a great way to stay connected between bi-annual editions of PeaceLinks, our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any point

Unless otherwise stated, all members will receive publications by email.